Replacement Roofs in Kent

Replacement Roofs in Kent designed and constructed by Foxton Frames Ltd are a beautiful addition to any home. Whether you need a second lounge, a home office or a playroom, our Replacement Roofs in Kent are the answer. Come to us for Kent Replacement Roofs and experience the difference of our 5★ service and FREE site visits and quotes. For quality Replacement Roofs in Kent, contact us today!

Give us a call today - 01622 938 000

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Fill out this form to get your free quotation from our experts – enquire today to lock in your quote for our Foxtons Frames Limited.

    What is a Replacement Roof?

    Designed by Foxton, our Replacement Roofs in Kent offer enhanced thermal efficiency, these solid roofs are 15 times more thermally efficient than traditional polycarbonate or old glass roofs. Replacement Roofs in Kent boast advanced tinted glass systems and solid warm roofs for year-round comfort. Opting for replacement roofs in Kent transforms your home into an inviting haven for the entire family. Discover how our Replacement Roofs can enhance your livening experience-get in touch with us today

    Types of Replacement Roofs

    When you come to Foxton for your Kent replacement roof, you can choose from many types of replacement roofs. With our extensive range of replacement roofs in Kent, we’re confident that we’ll have one that suits your requirements. Our selection of  replacement roofs in Kent includes:

    • Sun Lounge
    • Edwardian
    • Victorian
    • Gable
    • T Shape
    • Lantern
    • Orangery

    For more information about the types of replacement roofs in Kent we offer, contact us today. What’s more, if you’re unsure which type of replacement roof is right for you, our team can provide trusted advice and tailored recommendations.

    What can I use a Replacement Roof for?

    We are often asked how you can use your replacement roofs in Kent. We have seen many innovative conservatory ideas including:

    • Living spaces and lounge areas.
    • Home offices.
    • Music, dance and yoga studios.
    • Beauty premises.
    • Additional bedrooms.
    • Dining areas.
    • Playrooms and games rooms.
    • Craft studios.
    • Home gyms
    • And many more!

    The possibilities for your replacement roofs in Kent are simply endless. So let us make your replacement roof ideas a reality and contact us today for a FREE site visit and quote.

    For any enquiries please contact

    What are the benefits of Replacement Roofs?

    • Bespoke Kent Replacement Roofs

      We design all the replacement roofs in Kent to suit your family's unique needs. So however you are planning to use your space and whatever design inclusions you prefer, we can cater your Kent replacement roofs to your needs.

    • Extra Space

      Whether you want to add a dining room, or playroom or need a home office, our replacement roofs in Kent provide the roof to your extra space. We will work alongside you to provide a multi-functional space that enhances your life.

    • Property Value Boost

      Did you know that a replacement roof in Kent can add value to your home? So, whether you’re planning on selling soon or in the future, our replacement roofs in Kent are a smart investment.

    • Long-Lasting & Structurally Sound

      Our replacement roofs in Kent are constructed using high-quality materials. This means that you can experience results that last for years to come.

    Replacement Roofs in Kent FAQs

    Do I need planning permission for a replacement roof?

    How long does it take to build a replacement roof?

    What are the maintenance requirements for a replacement roof?

    How much does a replacement roof cost?

    Why choose us for Replacement Roofs in Kent?

    If you’re looking for a trusted company for high-quality bespoke Replacement Roofs in Kent, get in touch with us today for your FREE site visit and quote!

    Foxtons offer choice

    As an independent, Foxtons offer an unparalleled choice of products for consumers.
    See below for just a few of the manufacturers that Foxtons Frames work with.